Panel discussion: How to arrange an academic seminar or workshop
To organize your own seminar or workshop has the potential to raise different scientific perspectives or receiving inputs from a wider audience. But what do you need to keep in mind when organizing events? What is the purpose, who is your audience, what format do you want to use and what is the time frame?
Between 13:00-14:00, there will be a panel discussion on how to arrange academic events. After fika, an open workshop for development of activities are being held. Perhaps you want to arrange an activity on our next PhD conference on Sustainable Development? Or have an idea that you would like to get input on? Feel free to discuss your ideas with the Agenda 2030 Graduate School's office and some of the panelists.
The main target group are early career researchers at Lund University. If there is enough seats, other interest groups are able to attend as well. It is possible to just attend the panel discussion or to also attend the open workshop session. All fika will be vegetarian unless otherwise notified.
Please register to the event before 24th of March.
Looking forward to meeting you at the event!
Ylva van Meeningen
Research coordinator
ylva [dot] van_meeningen [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (ylva[dot]van_meeningen[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 (0)730-81 49 68